
A journal of municipal water management

ISSN 1804-7157

peer-reviewed journal

Call for papers

Vodovod.info (ISSN 1804-7157), a journal of municipal water managenent, is an international, professional, peer-reviewed journal focused on water supply, water treatment, sewerage and waste water treatment plants.

If you have the idea of making our journal as a vehicle for your professional or research interests, please send the electronic version of your paper in MS word format to us through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can find a sample paper in this section: Guidelines for authors. We are very interested in your papers (both research and practical) and want to publish it in English or Czech language. All your other original and unpublished papers are also welcome to our journal.


A journal of municipal water management.

ISSN 1804-7157

peer-reviewed journal

water supply, water treatment, sewerage and waste water treatment